Shades of Pink Roses Hat Box


Shades of Pink Roses hat box

Availability: In stock

Shades Of Pink Hat Box

The shades of pink are one of the most popular gifting arrangements for Birthdays and Mothers Day. They are perfect for an anniversary gift, as Valentine’s surprise or simply “just because”.  To add to its majesty we present it in a complementing colourful hat box that gives this arrangement its iconic appearance. No wonder it’s a top seller.


At Cuddlez n Flowers we strive to provide exceptional value to our customers. We are continuously and relentlessly innovating the delivery process such that our flower arrangements are delivered fresh and stunning just as we make them. At Cuddlez n’ Flowers we will go to any length to earn your 10/10 score. Our florists have over the years become masters at creating memorable flower arrangements for Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries, “Get Well soon”, expressions of love or gratitude, Corporate events, holidays, or special occasions.

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