Pastel Mixed Flower | Hand Tied Bouquet


Get this gorgeous pink hand tied bouquet delivered to your loved one and make their day. Putting a smile on someone’s face has never been this easy and affordable. This beautiful bouquets of mixed seasonal flowers, colors and textures is a winner on any occasion, birthdays, cheer-up, thinking of you, get well-soon and you name it. Check out our same day delivery service in Johannesburg and all major centers in South Africa.

Availability: In stock

If you find yourself struggling with deciding which arrangement to go with for any occasion, mixed bouquets are your best bet. A bity of this and a bit of that lilies, sprays, carnations, sunflower, eucalyptus, ruscus; the combinations are endless. Mixed bouquets are flower arrangements that don’t just focus on a single flower type of the same color but use combinations of flowers to create eye-catching and memorable designs.

Send colorful mixed flower arrangements to friends and family near or far with Cuddlez  convenient online same-day flower delivery and be amazed by the fast and easy online shopping. We even offer Sunday Delivery in and around LoneHill Fourways Sandton(Who wants their birthday or special moment postponed to the next working day) making us the perfect choice for all of your special occasions. Along with our incredible customer service, and backing from Interflora network all of our same-day flower delivery orders are filled by a professional local neighborhood florist in Johannesburg and all major centers in South Africa. We hand-arrange and hand-delivery your bouquet or arrangement to your loved one, as quickly as the same day. And every bouquet is quality-inspected for freshness and appeal.   Mixed bouquets make a big impression and are just right for every occasion.

Cuddlez offers a unique selection of premium or deluxe sized bouquets that are sure sweep anyone off their feet. For a gift with a romantic flair, include a luxurious tray of premium Ferrero Roche chocolate ,or  a colorful bouquet of Helium balloons or a cuddly stuffed animal. You’ll find a wide range of gift accessories right at your fingertips to help you create a fabulously fresh floral gift that hits the right note. Birthday bouquets, congratulations gifts, thank you surprises and impromptu flower gifts don’t get any better than this!   Service with an authentic smile and fresh, beautiful blooms is what makes us the best flower delivery choice around. We make it easy to coordinate fabulous last minute gifts, as well. Shop our incredible collection of flower arrangements  and choose from a range of handy delivery dates, including next-day and same-day shipping options add in special instructions to make the process special. When you order with us, prepare to be wowed by excellent service  and a smitten loved one soon after we deliver. After all, when you want a floral surprise that makes a great impression, nothing can compare to our personal service and a floral gift that’s freshly arranged and ready to display.

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